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So we lived

Vladimir Lagrange



The exhibition “So we lived” is composed by 65 images in black and white and presents for the first time in Latin America the work of photographer Vladimir Lagrange. In the exhibition, the photographer portrays aspects of urban and rural daily life in the former Soviet Union. Devoid of ideological aesthetics, "So we lived" is an objective and sensitive witness, endowed with an intelligent humor about an important time in world history.


The exhibition presents an excellent opportunity for a greater understanding of Soviet life through a sensitive and direct witness. In Lagrange's work, we find drama and humor, as well as a perennial compassion for the 'simple man' portrayed by the photographer through a deep and singular visual language

Curatorship Luiz Gustavo Carvalho



Rio de Janeiro – RJ
March 18th until May 25th of 2014
CAIXA Cultural

Belo Horizonte - MG
February 25th until March 29th of 2015
SESC Palladium

São Paulo - SP

July 25th until September 20th of 2015
CAIXA Cultural

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